DCHK FHKI | Scale Customisation Thematic Workshops 量产客制化专题工作坊
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hung Hom, Hong Kong
2018 年 6 月 30 日 9:45am - 7:30pm
DCHK FHKI | Scale Customisation Thematic Workshops 量产客制化专题工作坊
2018 年 6 月 30 日 9:45am - 7:30pm
主办方为 Design Council of Hong Kong
工作坊或培训课程 设计创新



Date 日期 | 30 June 2018 (星期六)

Time 时间 | Sharing Sessions 分享时段 | 10:00 - 12:30 (09:45 Registration 登记)

Workshop Sessions 工作坊时段 * | 13:30 -16:30 ; 16:30 - 19:30 (13:15 ; 16:15 Registration 登记)

#Languages 语言 | Morning Sharing Sessions上午分享时段 | English英语

Afternoon Workshop Sessions下午工作坊时段 | Cantonese粤语

#Simultaneous interpretation in English and Cantonese will be provided during the morning sharing sessions.
上午分享时段 将提供英语及粤语即时翻译服务。


*To ensure the understanding and smooth running of the workshops, participants must attend and complete the morning Sharing Sessions to be eligible for the registration of the afternoon Workshop Sessions. Limited seats, first come first served.



Event Rundown | 活动流程 > Click HERE <


Thematic Workshop WS1 | New Business Models of Product-Service System
专题工作坊WS1 | 崭新产品服务系统商业模式

Frederico Li 李景丰
Co-Founder | TALK Research and Innovation Management Company
共同创始人 | 拓途研究及创新管理公司

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With the inherent multiple facets of product-service systems (PSS), the traditional offering to design and evaluate product, service or system per se is no longer enough to meet the increasingly sophisticated market. The challenge is magnified when the PSS customisation is required within the new manufacturing revolution of Industry 4.0. A paradigm shift has been set in place to combine product, service and system all into one for added value - this is exactly what Fred Li’s workshop will walk you through.

Manufacturers and designers from the areas of Fashion & Apparel, Jewellery & Accessories, Eyewear, Watches, Shoes & Bags, etc. are especially welcome to bring one product / service / problem from your company to join us in WS1, where new business models may be discovered and selected works of collaborative ideation could be showcased at DesignInspire 2018 in December.

由於产品服务系统(PSS)自身内含众多面向,传统就产品丶服务或系统的单一设计与评估已经不能满足日益复杂的市场需求。 尤其当工业4.0的新一代制造业革新需要实行产品服务系统的客制化时,挑战就更大了。产品丶服务及系统三为一体所衍生的增值无疑已经正在转移现有的产业模式— 这正是导师李景丰的工作坊即将带你亲身体验的影响。

时装及服装丶珠宝及配饰丶眼镜丶手表丶鞋履及手袋等领域的制造商与设计师,我们特别欢迎你们带同公司现有的一项产品 / 服务 / 问题加入专题工作坊WS1,共同开发崭新的商业模式。指定参与者的协作成品将有机会於12月份的DesignInspire 2018上展出。


Sharing Session 分享时段 1
Mutualism Design: Industry 4.0 and Beyond
共生设计: 工业4.0及後

Beast Jiang 姜臻炜
Deputy General Manager & Creative Director | Artop Design Group Co., Ltd.
常务副总兼创意总监 | 浪尖设计集团有限公司

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Sharing Session 分享时段 2
Managing the Coming Disruption from Industrial IoT

Richard Mark Soley
Chairman & CEO | Object Management Group
Executive Director | Industrial Internet Consortium
主席兼首席执行官 | 对象管理组织(OMG)
行政总监 | 工业网际网路联盟(IIC)​

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Sharing Session 分享时段 3
Customisation: Scaling Your Business the Smart Way
客制化: 智能技术助你扩大业务

Ugo Negretto
Managing Director | ENICMA GmbH
执行董事 | ENICMA GmbH

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Sharing Session 分享时段 4
The Role of Retail and Customer Needs

Cheryl Gilbert 劳思逸
General Manager | The Dairy Farm Company, Limited - IKEA
总经理 | 牛奶有限公司 - 宜家家居

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Event rundown | 活动流程
The time and content of the event are subject to change without prior notice. Please visit the official website or Facebook Page of Design Council of Hong Kong for updated details. 活动时间及内容如有任何更改,恕不另行通知。更新详情请浏览香港设计委员会官方网站或Facebook Page。
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hung Hom, Hong Kong
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