Project Ended
Dreamtale - Seventhian Live In Hong Kong
B39 7 Seas Shopping Centre, 113-121 King's Road,, North Point, Hong Kong
21 April 2017 8:00pm - 11:00pm
Dreamtale - Seventhian Live In Hong Kong
21 April 2017 8:00pm - 11:00pm
Concert or Performance Music

Dreamtale - Seventhian Live In Hong Kong

Date : 21 April 2017

Time : 8:00pm

Ticket : HKD$280(before 10/3)/ HKD $330(Advance)/ HKD$400(Door)

地點 Venue:Mom Live House


芬蘭 Melodic Power Metal 樂隊 Dreamtale 即將訪港!

Finnish melodic power metal outfits Dreamtale are coming to Hong Kong for the first time as part of their Asia Tour 2017!
Details as below.

當芬蘭國寶級 Melodic Power Metal 樂隊 Stratovarius 仍坐擁其王者地位之時,受其影響的後起之秀已紛紛出現,其中又以芬蘭本國的Sonata Arctica 與 Dreamtale 最受矚目。

Dreamtale 由前主唱及吉他手 Rami Keränen 組建於 1999年,剛發表了其第七張全新專輯 Seventhian ...Memories of Time。樂團至今已發行了7張專輯及2支單曲。

唯美,華麗大氣的 Dreamtale 夢境傳說一度以其歌曲 The Dawn ,成為魔獸的亡靈序曲, 瘋魔全球。在幾次團員的更動後,他們參加了多場各式各樣的音樂演出,甚至在2000 年七月,他們在Sinergy的演唱會擔任嘉賓團體!

1999年,吉他手Rami Keranen 想組一支屬於自己的樂團,且一開始就已經決定把團名取作Dreamtale,因此在他的積極努力之下,Dreamtale 的音樂開始慢慢成形,並在同年秋天錄成一卷卡色帶,這也成為他們的首張Demo「Shadow of the Frozen Sun」。

進入2000年,Dreamtale 為了讓他們的音樂能讓更多人聽到,在幾次團員的更動後,他們參加了多場各式各樣的演出,歷經多場的成功演出後,他們錄製了第二張demo-「Refuge From Reality」,這使他們的知名度在芬蘭終於被廣泛的傳開來。
2001年八月,在多家與他們接觸的唱片公司中,Dreamtale選擇與知名金屬大廠Spinefarm Records簽下合約,並錄製完成了他們的首張專輯「Beyond Reality」。

2007年8月,主唱 Jarkko Ahola 因加入另一支樂團 Terasbetoni 而離開,樂團一度傳出解散的消息。然而事實並非如此,擁有了新主唱 Erkki Seppänen 的 Dreamtale 已經帶著第四張專輯Phoenix 歸來。

他們的專輯《Beyond Reality》中首曲 “The Dawn” 以輕柔的鍵盤貫穿全曲,搭配著壯闊的重型之聲,彷彿電影情節般的開場,波瀾浩瀚的場面已出現在想像中,此曲改編自電影《The Rock》的主題曲配樂,也被魔獸玩家稱為亡靈序曲;接下來的“Memories of Time”與“Refuge from Reality”,純正的 Melodic Power Metal 迎面襲來,流暢悅耳的編曲架構,主唱純熟的嗓音,為整張作品帶來最好的開始。

首支主打歌 “Fallen Star”,以鍵盤與鼓的過門開場,令人驚豔的美聲女音與主唱Tomi 的完美搭配合唱,將整首歌的境界推向最高點! “Where the Rainbow Ends”是另一首主打歌級金屬佳作,尤其主唱在此嘗試運用各種不同的演唱音色來新增主唱部分的複雜度,而副歌時的多部合唱與女主唱合音搭配表情豐富的吉他 Solo,更讓人感到 Dreamtale的未來是不可限量的!

Formed in 1999 by the guitarist/songwriter Rami Keränen, Dreamtale are one of the most underrated bands of the melodic power-metal scene. Nevertheless, through the powerful vision and relentless work of Keränen, the band has survived and outlived record labels, lineup changes and many competitors, while at the same time producing music, which the fans love.

The core of the current lineup was established around ten years ago and it is now regarded as the ”classic” Dreamtale — known for it’s energetic and powerful live performances, melodic albums and lyrics that have unusual depth and purity in the power-metal genre.

Outside their native Finland, the band have toured in Italy and Russia and are releasing their 7th album in 2016. The latest release will be a double-album, with one disc featuring re-recorded versions of the early material and the other one carrying brand new songs.



B39 7 Seas Shopping Centre, 113-121 King's Road,, North Point, Hong Kong
Friday 21 April 2017 8:00pm - 11:00pm  GMT+08:00
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