2018 年 3 月 18 日 7:30pm - 11:00pm
2018 年 3 月 18 日 7:30pm - 11:00pm
演唱会或表演 音乐

Synergy "Laika" Album Release Show

<活动详情 Event Details>
日期 Date : 18 March 2018 (Sunday)
地点 Venue : TTN
地址 Address :
1/F, Ocean One, No.6 Shung Shun Street, Yau Tong
油塘崇信街 6 号 Ocean One 1 楼
时间 Time : Door opens at 7:00pm
演出乐队 Performing Band : SYNERGY
嘉宾乐队 Guest Bands :

预售门票 Advance Ticket :
HK$180 (Ticket only) / HK$250 (CD included)

现场门票 Walk-in Ticket :


<现场周边产品 Goods>
1) CD HK$100
2) T-Shirt HK$150
3) Vinyl(CD included) HK$500
4) Vinyl(CD included) + T-Shirt HK$600
5) Vinyl(CD included) + Walk-in Ticket HK$700
6) Vinyl(CD included) + T-Shirt + Walk-in Ticket HK$800
*限量 50 套黑胶唱片及 T-Shirt 只设现场发售*

*50 Limited Vinyl and T-Shirt only available at show*

<乐队介绍 Bands Introduction>


Vocal: Bambi
Guitar: Davey
Guitar: Wolf
Bass: Manson
Drum: Howard


香港前卫金属乐团 SYNERGY, 成立於 2012 年, 活跃参加香港各类型的音乐演出, 亦多次获邀作国内知名乐团在香港演出的暖场嘉宾, 2013 年 7 月更有幸为北京知名乐团"军械所"香港演唱会, 担任暖场, 亦参加了加拿大 Envol et Macadam 举办的 PLANTROX 音乐比赛, 其单曲 "The First Filth" 的音乐录像更得到网上投票的最高票数而入选, SYNERGY 各成员均喜爱不同的音乐类型, 亦追求创作和编曲上的创新, 希望利用多元化的编曲上令听众感觉到不一样的张力和高低起落, 凝聚队员中不同的思想和元素, 创作出比较独特的重型音乐, 此亦是 SYNERGY 之名的由来!

2013 年
- 12 月担演 "Head Phone President" 在香港和广州的巡演暖场
2014 年
- 10 月更有幸担任弘力乐器为 Jeff Loomis 和 Keith Merrow 所举办的 Schecter 吉它大师香港站的演出嘉宾乐队
2015 年
- 5 月获国内音乐组织"狂澜"邀请, 在东莞 so what livehouse 举办首个专埸演出
- 6 月担任中国金属班霸"窒息"乐队全国巡演香港站的开场嘉
- 11 月亦参与了广州墓声爬音乐祭, 和香港金属乐队招魂一起担任嘉宾乐队
- 12 月 9 号至 12 号举办国内南方巡演:
9 号珠海文青 live house
10 号东莞 sowhat livehouse
11 号肇庆雷尼酒吧
12 号广州 SD Livehouse
2016 年
- 鼓手 Howard 加入, 把徧向更极端的金属曲风和前卫原素融合, 呈现於观众眼前
2018 年
- 三月将会以双黑胶和 CD 型式发行首张大碟 “LAIKA” 和举办唱片发布演唱会。

Ever since they entered the Hong Kong local scene in 2012, Synergy lived up to their name by combining the best from the vibrant backgrounds of each member. Their unique blend of progressive death metal offers everything from the aggression of Necroticism/Heartwork era Carcass to the eclecticism of Opeth, being one-of-a-kind and something you could not find elsewhere.

Throughout the years they rose fast and became a fan favourite. The MV of The First Filth was elected one of the victors in world wide contest PLANETROX organized by Canada's Envol et Macadam festival, further proved their collaborative talent. After years of supporting renowned local and overseas bands in gigs and festivals of all scales all over China, they are finally becoming the star of their own by releasing their CD/double-vinyl debut LAIKA in early 2018.

《In Your Eyes》
《Dromos Home》



Vocal + Guitar: Sun
Guitar + Keyboard: Miu
Violin: Keto
Bass: Benson
Drum: Carlton


eli 由 2009 年组成至现在, 喜爱满有节奏张力的英伦曲风, 另类摇滚, 电子摇滚乐, eli "Ever lasting illusion" 希望用音乐带给人"永恒的幻象"去追寻梦想。

2013年与3队香港出色的乐队自资了一张合辑, "the surreal life"
2014年继续带着"the surreal life"的理念到中国及台北的the wall, 台中的浮现及垦丁的春天呐喊巡回演出
2014年12月21日, 单曲sink 推出, 监制为香港着名音乐人: Cy Kong 及 Davy Chan
2015年eli 出过不同大小的performance, 2016 继续为首张大碟筹备中!8/10/2016 eli获邀为lmf 暖场嘉宾
2017年5月eli 首张大碟即将推出! 监制为香港着名音乐人: Cy Kong 及 Davy Chan

eli, founded in 2009, performs rhythmic music with tension varying from British, alternative to electronic rock. eli "Ever-lasting illusion" wishes to present you the infinite illusions during chasing after dreams with music.
2013 eli with 3 great local indie band release compliation "the surreal life"
We continued to perform with " the surreal life" concept and made our debut tour to mainland China, The wall( Taipei), Emerge (Taichung) and the Spring Scream Music Festival (Kening) in 2014.
2014/12/21, single “sink” released, produced by Cy Kong and Davy Chan
2015 eli performed many show at different place, 2016 eli continue to prepare there debut album.
2017 may eli release their debut album "everlasting illusion"

eli consists of Carlton(drum),miu(guitar), sun(vocal), Benson (bass)
Their sound is a contrast between shouting and gentle soft, Influences include especially Brit-rock, Alternative rock, electronic music, and among many another styles.
They believe in....only music




Vocal: 蟹
Lead Guitar: Michael
Guitar: Jovi
Guitar: Lui Lok
Bass: Sam
Drum: Tat


BlackWine 一行五人是现在香港少数的前卫金属 (Progressive Metal)中坚份子,也是香港首队以广东话发行过唱片的Progressive Metal乐队。自1998年成团以来,乐队至今曾参与本地不胜其数的各类型大小演出,在2002年推出香港首张Progressive Metal唱片《追梦》後,同年举行「BlackWine追梦音乐会」,将全张概念专辑以音乐结合影像方式於舞台完整演绎,获乐迷一致赞赏。2008乐队 成立十周年,第二作《影子》中《循环不息》一首长达二十分钟,是香港乐队的创举,专辑经香港唯一重金属音乐唱片公司Trinity Music Hong Kong发行後,再举办「BlackWine音乐篇之《影子》」影像音乐会,让大家知道香港重金属已经揭开新一页。於2010年新主唱阿蟹的参与使BlackWine更完整,嬴来前所未有的好评。乐队现在积极准备第三张新专辑的筹备工作。

* 辉煌成就: 香港band坛技术派精英,本地首队发行过以广东话唱片之前卫金属乐队
* 超越十年团史丶丰富演出经验,包括多次参与本地盛事「Rock On」,及台湾大型音乐祭「野台开
* 两张概念专辑《追梦》及《影子》皆被完整搬上舞台演译,创香港乐队先河

The five members of BlackWine are rare Progressive Metal supporters and artist in Hong Kong. Assembled in 1998, BlackWine released their concept album debut, as well as the first Progressive Metal release in Hong Kong, “Chasing the Dream” 4 years later. In the same year the album was played in whole with visual footages on stage. After giving uncountable concerts in Hong Kong and overseas in several years, the sophomore concept album “The Shadow” was released in 2008 the band's tenth anniversary by Trinity Music Hong Kong. Another dramatic concert interpreting the whole album marked a new beginning of Hong Kong metal.

* Key Facts: The 1st one and only releasing Cantonese Album Progressive Metal band in Hong Kong
* Ten long years giving all members invaluable technical proficiency and live experience, including performing in local festivals Rock On and Formoz in Taiwan.
* Both concept albums "Chasing the Dream" and "The Shadow" were visualized completly on stage, an artistic breakthrough in local band scene


Hong Kong Metal Alliance
NOWED Records

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