故事:1945年1月,軸心國在西線發動帝國解體前最後一次大規模反擊。德軍此次作戰目標是突破英美盟軍戰線並將其一分為二、佔領安特衛普,包圍並消滅盟軍的4個軍團,迫使盟軍在軸心國佔優勢的條件下談判。此次作戰如果成功,希特勒就可以集中全力應付東線與蘇聯紅軍的戰事...... (Wikipedia)
***注意*** 你正在參與一回合初級野戰任務。主辦單位和其他參加者對你的體能,戰鬥力,團隊紀律和心理質素有一定要求。報名前請詳閱報名表上的活動內容。******Notice*** You are attending an entry level mission game. The organizer and participants have a certain expectation to your fitness, capacity, team discipline and psychological quality. ***
日期: 28/1(周日) 0845-1700
Mission: Axis must escort a number of heavy equipment, "tanks" and "shields" to port Antwerp, and control the area till end game. Allies will stop this from happening to win.任務: 軸心國需領一定數目的重型裝備 ("坦克" 及盾) 到安特衛普港, 並堅守到完場. 同盟國目標則為阻止其發生.
2. (Optional) Fixed target shooting competition (Beta) (自願參加) 固定靶射擊比賽(測試板)
地點 Venue:掃管笏野戰會http://www.teamwell.com.hk/
價錢:$240 入場費,$40巴士(這價錢不包括入場費,是需要另外付的),租裝+$100,現場付現金者須加收$30行政費用。費用已包括入場費,附加道具,任務安排等等先到先得(以銀行過數時間先後次序為準),欲報從速。
Price: $240 Entry, $40 Bus, Gear Rentals +$100. Cash payers will be charged a $30 admin fee on site. Price includes game, extra equipment, logistics, etc.First paid first served, please do the booking asap.
Date and time:
28 Jan 2018 (Subday), 0845 - 1700
Firepower:1) AEG: below1.55j, lower than 20rof, magazines should not carry more than 600 rounds in total for each gun2) Machine Gunner (Up to 10 per team, have to apply when registering): Same regulations as AEG, Lower than 20rof, no ammo limit. DRUM MAGS ONLY.**According to poll, we temporarily accepts CA Minigun as "MG" as a gesture of support to wargame innovation. We are positively considering to make this allowance permanent but let's see how we go this time first.**3) GBB: below 1.75j 4) Bolt-action / shotgun: below 1.85j Only plastic BBs allowed, pistols no CO2, no green laserWe will perform random checks in game. We advise you not to challenge our system.
火力限制:1) AEG: 每支槍限攜600發彈的彈匣, 射頻少於每秒20, 1.55j 內2) Machine Gunner (每隊限10支,須在填報名表時申請): 射頻少於每秒20,同火力,無限彈,只準使用彈鼓**根據投票,我們決定臨時批准CA Minigun當機槍落埸。以後可能改例,先看今次表現如何**3) GBB:1.75j 內4) 手拉/散彈: 1.85j 內只准使用膠bb彈,手槍禁CO2,禁綠laser,禁煙霧彈遊戲進行其間會隨時隨地隨機驗槍。勿以身試罐
請定時留意本頁, 獲得任務更新資訊. Please read regularly. Event info will be released over time.
Date and time:28th January 2018 (Sunday), 0845 - 1700
Place: So Kun Wut Wargame Club, Tuen Munhttp://www.teamwell.com.hk/
Head Count: Allies - 80 (Radio #13 - 409.9000)Axis - 80 (Radio #17 - 409.9500)First Aid (Radio #9 - 409.8500)
Mission (To be confirmed) : Axis must escort a number of heavy equipment, "tanks" and "shields" to port Antwerp, and control the area till end game. Allies will stop this from happening to win.
How to "respawn": In the starting points of each teams, there will be one "tomb stone", players shall retreat to their own starting points to sign for a ticket and respawn. Each player can respawn for unlimited times but be reminded there will be a team quota and one can no longer respawn after quota is full. Each platoon-scaled team (24-50 men) will have 50 to 100 quota (amount adjustable according to headcount, game mod and terrain).
We have been successfully executing the following reforms since 2013:1) Random check on firepower during games, and welcome anonymous complains2) All team captains and teammates must apply with real names3) Having fixed instructor and 3-4 hosts/undercover hosts/administratorsPlease talk to one of our committee members for track records.
Basic rules of engagement:1. One shot dead -- include the gun in hand and gears on body, not include shields (if applicable). We usually run lower power, fewer bullets, slower rof. Players should therefore be more aware of gentle hits.2. Bingo -- only if you can touch your victim by hand. Be reminded any player can deny a "Bingo" and if there are any disputes, we will and can only account real hits. If you want to deny a "Bingo", be prepared for a short-distance hit.3. Overkilling -- in 2016 we had a large debate and election that decided this NOT a violation of rules. The "dead" has an responsibility to protect himself, identify himself to others and to leave the frontline as soon as possible. Shooter should avoid overkilling but only bound by humanitarian reasons. Repeat overkillers can still be complained but the charge will likely be "poor sportsmanship" instead of overkilling.4. Blindshot -- Firing at a direction that your eyes cannot see. We do not allow blindshots.5. Shooting through small holes and cracks -- if the hole and crack is big enough for player to see where he's shooting, it will be allowed (not the "head size" rule which we found confusing) unless otherwise mentioned.6. Power check -- We do a random check in games, like policemen randomly checking ID on streets instead of only checking everyone once before they become permanent residents. If you suspect an overpower player, please complain with details of suspect including gun model, clothing, body features, locations and other details.7. Complains -- We welcome complains but we can only prosecute clear records of incidents, like specific time/venue/parties involved. Otherwise we will assume that as the losers' cry. The complainant will be kept anonymous. In the past two years we solved more than 70% of received formal complains. We hope participants will have confidence in the committee's capacity.
Time Table:0845: embark bus 1000: arrival and set up1045-1215: warm up small game and goggle show1215-1230: mission briefing1230-1330: lunch1345: group photo1400-1445: Mission One1515-1600:Mission Two (Same objectives, switch side)
Price: $240(Entry yourself), +$40 Bus, Gear Rentals +$100. Cash payers will be charged a $30 admin fee on site. Price includes game, extra equipment, logistics, etc.First paid first served, please do the booking asap.
Sponsored by: Krafter's Milsim Tactical, IME Education, HKTFAOrganizer: Day Army Int (Hong Kong) LimitedSupporting teams: UT&F, Metro Events
Team inquiries: Alex ChanIndividual Inquiries: Alex Chan
------We will randomly check guns that day, and welcome anonymous complains. Please discuss with game managers.We insist sportsmanship, and request all players to be capable of taking care of him/herself.We have a blacklist. Please ask if you have a question.
Details will be announced over time. Please mark your attendance first and to know more, you are invited to view photo footages of our Mission last year.
我們的活動定位是入門級任務game, 對象是普羅野戰友。我們使用進階公共管理技術來管理活動,並用電腦數據分析技術為玩家分隊,以期望遊戲可比較公平和刺激地進行。
中央行政命令:根據投票結果,我地決定報「機槍手」者必需使用彈鼓,或彈盒。不可使用普通彈匣,不可使用普通匣/孖匣外型的電匣。如果你報左MG但不能符合新規定,請通知 Chu Chi Kin 處理。當日會隨機時間點機槍手名,以保公正。
贊助:Krafter's Milsim Tactical, Rudy Project
1. 裝甲「車」成員亦是人,車內中槍都當死。2. 裝甲「車」相撞為「車禍」,兩車上人士同時當死2. 場地承諾提供教練,改善執法3. 增加隨機驗槍次數,考慮全體驗4. 增大戰區範圍以容納日益增長的參加者數5. 任務目標設在戰區中央,避免戰線推近起點6. 技術高超的師兄都是性情中人。安全第一
人數限制:160同盟國 - 80 (Radio #13 - 409.9000)軸心國 - 80 (Radio #17 - 409.9500)急救 - (Radio #9 - 409.8500)
火力限制:1) AEG: 每支槍限攜600發彈的彈匣, 射頻少於每秒20, 1.55j 內2) Machine Gunner (每隊限10支,須在填報名表時申請): 射頻少於每秒20,同火力,無限彈,只準使用彈鼓**根據投票,我們決定臨時批准CA Minigun當機槍落埸。以後可能改例,先看今次表現如何**3) GBB:1.85j 內4) 手拉/散彈: 1.85j 內只准使用膠bb彈,手槍禁CO2,禁綠laser遊戲進行其間會隨時隨地隨機驗槍。勿以身試罐
價錢:$240 入場費(自入),+$40巴士,租裝+$100,現場付現金者須加收$30行政費用。費用已包括入場費,附加道具,任務安排等等
任務 (待定): 軸心國需領一定數目的重型裝備 ("坦克" 及盾) 到安特衛普港, 並堅守到完場. 同盟國目標則為阻止其發生.一回合45分鐘,中場休息,然後繼續打。全日活動都會玩神盾陣,每隊設三部裝甲「車」。最少會用10個盾。
基本「復活」方法:每隊設一「墓碑」(簽名板),參加者中槍後回起點,在墓碑上找一空格簽名,即可復活。每人復活次數不限, 但請注意墓碑空格數量有限,填滿後,就不可以復活。一般而言,每個排級戰鬥隊伍(24-50人)有25至75個墓碑名額 (視乎人數, 遊戲模式,地形,會對墓碑空格的數量作出調整。
我們是有嚴謹管理系統的野戰發燒友。此活動宗旨是舉辦入門級簡化Milsim,讓不同技術等級的玩家能一同體驗Milsim和改善個人能力。上午一槍死熱身,下午打兩節45分鐘有復活制的任務。我們會串連最少兩個戰區進行任務,而且有建全的行政人員團隊和隱形host,設匿名投訴系統,文字記載全日活動進程。並設隨機驗槍,確保遊戲順利而激烈地進行。我們的活動定位為入門級極端運動(Extreme sports),對參加者體質有一定要求。若閣下不適合,但仍有熱誠參與,請選擇「戰地記者」,「歴史創作組」等非戰鬥岡位。
玩具盾及裝甲「車」附例:a. 此二重型道具之使用者,一樣中槍死b. 使用時身上裝備,手上槍支被命中亦當死c. 死後重型道具就地放低,不得攜返起點d. 裝甲「車」相撞為「車禍」,兩車上人士同時當死
基本規則(全體執委皆為重視體育精神的現實主義者。可能苛刻,但必以大部分玩家利益以及可操作性為依歸):1. 中槍死 -- 包括手持槍械及所有連帶身體上的裝備。不包括盾(如有)。我們活動一般力較細,彈少,頻較慢,中槍請細心感受。歡迎投訴。2. Bingo -- 直接用手能觸碰對方身體為準. 注意被bingo者有權不認死,如有爭議疑點利益將歸被告。如欲不服,請作好近距開槍/中槍準備3. 鞭屍 -- 經大會公開辯論,一致決定, 鞭屍不算犯規。 死者有責任保護自己,死後揮手吶喊,儘快離開戰場。射擊者基於人道立場應該停火, 但行為本身並不構成犯規。 重複惡意鞭屍者有機會被列入黑名單,但原因可能是戰鬥態度惡劣,而非鞭屍。4. 撩槍 -- 眼不見目標而射擊為之撩槍。禁止撩槍。5. 窿罅可否射擊 -- 罅位足以令射手看穿目標(即没有撩槍)即可射擊(而非人頭大細) 除非另行通告。5. 驗槍 -- 實行隨時隨地隨機驗槍制,類似差人隨街查身份證。如有懷疑,請記清槍款,衣著,人物特性,位置等詳情,向執委投訴。6. 鬧交 -- 與一般搞手相反,我們容許強烈語言,但禁止出手傷人。有任何不滿,歡迎投訴。7. 投訴 -- 必須向執委清楚交待爭議事件的具體時/地/人/事方可處理,否則當輸打贏要論。投訴人身份將會保密。過去兩年投訴解決率超過70%,希望參加者相信執委能力。
時間表:0845: 上車1000: 到場1045-1215: 熱身game (一槍死),固定靶射擊比賽和射擊鏡試戴活動1215-1230: 任務簡報1230-1330: 午餐1345: 團體合照(不欲出鏡請戴面罩)1400-1445: 野戰任務 1515-1600:野戰任務2 (攻守互換)
(陸續有來) 出戰隊伍 Participating Teams: (排名不分先後) 排級(24人或以上):UT&F步槍班級(8人或以上):小隊級(4人或以上):其他(3人或以下):
主辦:Day Army Int (Hong Kong) Limited合辦:Metro Events, UT&F