Project Ended
Thistle Candle: 天然按摩香薰蠟燭工作坊 | Aromatherapy Massage Candle Making
紅磡灣, 2F, Kerry Hotel38 Hung Luen Rd, Hung Hom, 香港
14 April 2019 12:00pm - 2:00pm
Thistle Candle: 天然按摩香薰蠟燭工作坊 | Aromatherapy Massage Candle Making
14 April 2019 12:00pm - 2:00pm
Organized by Kafnu Hong Kong
Workshop or Training Course Arts & Culture
香薰蠟燭是很多人家裡不可或缺的物品。燃點起來時,散發出淡淡幽香,彌漫著浪漫且平靜的氣氛,使人身心舒適。今次蠟燭工作坊與本地蠟燭設計品牌Thistle Candle合辦,在導師的指導下可學習製造不同蠟燭形態的同時,也能夠學習香薰的用處及配花知識。工作坊使用的天然按摩香薰蠟燭除了如一般蠟燭一樣燃燒然後能釋出醉人的香氣外,更加入了天然有機精油及植物底油,絕是按摩潤膚的良品!課堂完成後更可攜帶完成品回家。此活動會以中英為主。
Are you considering spending a weekend invigorating your mind, body and spirit? Come join our #wellnessweekend with Thistle Candle to enjoy an interactive crafting experience as we learn the art of making scented candles on a soothing Sunday! This workshop can be conducted in both Chinese and English.

| About Thistle Candle |
Thistle Candle由3位富藝術背景的創作人所組成, 以蠟燭為媒介作新穎的設計。蠟燭創作家Jen於十年前開始接觸手工藝創作, 本身亦修讀設計課程。在接觸了多種創作原料後, 在日本發現了透明的冰晶蠟,之後開始鑽研多種蠟材質, 理解原料的特性,跳出固有的容器蠟燭, 設計出多個蠟燭系列。
Thistle Candle is a handmade candle studio based in Hong Kong founded by Jen, both an artist and creator, is driven to inspire and enlighten creativity.
| 日期及時間 Date & Time |

日期: 2019年4月14日(星期日)
時間: 下午12時至2時
Date: April 14th 2019 (Sunday)
Time: 12pm - 2pm
| 地點 Venue |
活動將會於 Kafnu 場內進行,位於嘉里酒店2樓。最近的地鐵站為黃埔站C2出口,或乘搭北角至紅磡的渡海小輪亦只需7分鐘。
The event will be inside Kafnu. Kafnu is located on the 2nd floor inside Kerry Hotel. The closest MTR is Whampoa MTR exit C2. You can also conveniently access the venue from Hong Kong Island via the North Point Hung Hom Ferry which takes only 7 minutes. Schedule here:
Kafnu Hong Kong, 2/F, Kerry Hotel, 38 Hung Luen Road, Hung Hom
| 活動費用 (包含材料) Class Fee (Materials Included) |
會員 Member: HKD390
非會員 Non-member: HKD420 (Includes coffee and snacks)
Max pax : 16
紅磡灣, 2F, Kerry Hotel38 Hung Luen Rd, Hung Hom, 香港
Sunday 14 April 2019 12:00pm - 2:00pm  GMT+08:00
SOLD OUT   Tim主持-TGIS棟篤..
20/F, Silver Fortune Plaza, Wellington..
18/05/2024 8:15pm - 9:45pm
655 Nathan Rd, Mong Kok, Hong Kong
16/07/2020 - 17/07/2047
Design for Asia: DFA Award..
Hong Kong
17/04/2024 - 31/12/2024